Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chapter 3-Simulations

Committed learning principle, practice principle, situated meaning principle are the three that I think are most important to learning, because of the focus to learning, the repetitions, and being put in situations outside of just memorizing stuff, it will allow you to think about situations.

The Sim World is a great simulation game, also creating people on the Wii and playing interactive games with your Mii character.  I wouldn't allow my students to do to much except for walk around, let them have money to go spend as a reward for good behavior, good grades.  I believe too much Sim world can make you lose your self in to the game and that's not good.

Simulations are very fun and can enhance learning tremendously if done properly, like a lot of stuff in this class, if used right will work great, if not used right can be disastrous to learning.

Jonassen, D. (2008) Meaningful learning with technology (pp. 44-58) Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson

-Richard Smith

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rubrics, clickers, and Inspiration-Richard Smith

Technology based rubrics are a great help in assessment, not only for the student, but for the teacher as well.  Rubrics set a standard of what is to be expected and makes sure the students know exactly what the teacher wants the student to cover.  Sometimes the teacher leaves the assignment too broad and students dont get good grades because the teacher didn't specify what he/she wanted.  So any kind of technology based rubric is good to have for proper understanding.

Clickers are interesting devices, they make the classroom seem like a gaming environment, which could possibly help a lot of students these days because of the video games that they play.  Clickers are good because all students have a chance to answer, not only just the smart kid.

Inspiration is a great tool for core teachers, it can help students by allowing them to see graphs, charts, all the visual stuff for the visual learners in the classroom, with a lecture and the inspiration software it covers a lot of learners needs and seems pretty user friendly.  Kidspiration would be fun for the younger students to have in the classroom because of the younger age set up, it follows along with all the toys and games that students played with before school, and now they can continue the progression. 

Rubrics are essentials in the classroom for full understanding of an assignment and to let students know how you will be grading them, clickers would be fun devices to use and will majorly increase learning, and Inspiration would be great software to have for my middle school and high school students because of the visual and in depth aspect of the software.

-Richard Smith

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Digital Storytelling-Richard Smith

Digital Storytelling is a way to include technology in the classroom, Kate Kemper describes that technology is critical in the classroom and that digital storytelling is a great way to include this idea.  Storytelling used to be the teacher or students just standing up and telling a story, now students or teachers can record something and show it to the class through a projector, power point, etc. 

Mathematics is very abstract and is one of the hardest subjects for students to grasp, just practicing it daily may not be sufficient,  technology could be a key component in the math classroom by using graphing calculators, using online math games, using math with digital storytelling using numbers for the importance of the story.

Television is very possible to learn from, it is in fact one of the most efficient learning tools in my opinion, I learn a lot of things watching the history and discovery channel, the hard part is getting students interested in watching these types of shows to help with learning instead of watching sponge bob or something that they learn nothing from, but I believe television shows are starting to focus more on helping learning  material in today's life.

Jonassen, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with technology (pp. 200-201). Upper Saddle, New Jersey: Pearson.

-Richard Smith

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Richard Smith-Podcasting

Richard Smith-"A podcast is an audio recording that is saved as an MP3 file and made available on the Internet through RSS." (Jonassen Marra p. 160) Pod casting in the classroom will be great for schools, no matter the income, for instance: A teacher can make a series of recordings of him or herself teaching the lecture in case the teacher knows that they are going to be gone for a couple of weeks, so the class doesnt miss out on anything.

 Podcasting is alike in some of the previous web apps weve been researching about in the fact that some are downloadable, can be shared from device to device, it is different in the fact that podcasting cannot be spread throughout the internet, it is only meant to be shared to one or few individuals at a time instead of being public information easily heard or viewed via you tube.

I own an ipod and an iphone, i love both of them and would and could use them for anything, i have used my iphone to record a teachers lecture and it helped me learn.  I would also allow my students to do that to me, i could also teach a few lectures for students to watch in case i cant be there for some reason which will be a great tool, online communication tools are becoming increasingly important for class room use but at the same time the tools need to be for the good and not the evil.

Meaningful Learning with Technology, 2008. Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., and Crismond, D.

Richard Smith

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

web 2.0 blogging-Richard Smith

Wikis and blogs with students would be useful for a class like this, where online activities are essential.  Otherwise outside the class wikis and blogs would not be really useful for my subject area of physical education, other than using wikipedia to get anatomy pictures or make my students blog about the class outside of classtime, as in a homework assignment.

Socialbookmarking is very interesting but i dont think i would ever use it or have my students use it, it is a very interesting idea but my class will be in a gymnasium so access to internet and computers is not apart of my teachings.  Voicethread would be a fun thing to try out, I would like to try it out one time just to see how it went and see who would comment on my voicethread.

"we show that bridges participate more than nonbridges in both synchronous and asynchronous communication modes."  Tapped in looks like a very useful site with lots of links to different books and sources that would be great for teachers to have, it has up to date stuff on technology to help keep teachers fresh in the teaching game.

Schlager, M., Farooq, U., Fusco, J., Schank, P., & Dwyer, N. (2009) Analyzing online social networking in professional learning communities: Cyber networks require cyber-research tools. Journal of Technology Education, 60(1), 86-100.

Post-Richard Smith

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Assessments and eportfolios

Richard Smith
etec 424

Assessment activities are used to produce feedback on students and to show their knowledge and progression.  Some assessments are tests, others are just check-ups as you complete through a series of events.  Technology based assessments are used to make the data easier to manage and makes it able for the teacher to provide good feedback more often and quicker. The quicker the student gets feedback to quicker the student can respond to the feedback and the more often the feedback the better the results should be.

E-portfolios are bodies of work that address certain learning outcomes, they help teachers and students by keeping stuff organized and collected in a way for easy visibility.  Computer based tests are tests done on a computer, whether the answers be multiple choice or open ended.  Computer based tests can impact valitidity and reliability mostly in a negative way, because students who like to cheat on exams.  If equipped with the right capabililty a teacher can set up a test to where the student cannot exit the screen for any reason or the test is forfeited.  Also if the student is not being watched they could use their book, or use a partner to take the test with them, so the test wouldnt be testing their exact knowledge, which is the point of a test.

My personal opinion is computer based testing should not be allowed, I am more of a hands on type of person so when I teach I will walk around the room making sure nobody is cheating, but if I have to use computer based testing it will be more challenging because the views of the room will change and make the angles harder for the teacher to be completely aware of whats going on.  I am interested to see how this e portfolio turns out, Ive collected stuff and kept it throughout the semester, but never on an e portfolio, so I'm interested to see how it works and whether I would like to use it for my classroom.

Jonassen, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with technology (pp. 218-239). Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


The Congress shall have the Power... To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries...   
(The United States ConstitutionArticle I, Section 8, Clauses 1 and 8)(1)

1. Its a method of ethics on copyrights and stealing someone elses work, you need to respect the rights of others and their individual ideas.  The idea is important because its just like someone stealing an earthly object from someone else like a car, its just not right ethically and not to mention illegal.  I will teach my students by making them understand ethics and use lessons that show how not to copyright or steal someone elses stuff.
2. Cyberbullying involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others.(2)  Online safety is relatively similar to cyberbullying in the fact that students should not allow others to bully them online by talking them into going to certain web sites or do other things.  I will teach students the defintions of online safety and cyberbullying and let them understand what kind of people are on the internet and should protect themselves just as they would in regular life. 
3. This weeks activity help me understand more of the details of copyrights and how they worked, and for me distinguishing between online safety and cyberbullying so that I understand thoroughly so that I can teach me students about it.

2) Wikipedia.com