Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Digital Storytelling-Richard Smith

Digital Storytelling is a way to include technology in the classroom, Kate Kemper describes that technology is critical in the classroom and that digital storytelling is a great way to include this idea.  Storytelling used to be the teacher or students just standing up and telling a story, now students or teachers can record something and show it to the class through a projector, power point, etc. 

Mathematics is very abstract and is one of the hardest subjects for students to grasp, just practicing it daily may not be sufficient,  technology could be a key component in the math classroom by using graphing calculators, using online math games, using math with digital storytelling using numbers for the importance of the story.

Television is very possible to learn from, it is in fact one of the most efficient learning tools in my opinion, I learn a lot of things watching the history and discovery channel, the hard part is getting students interested in watching these types of shows to help with learning instead of watching sponge bob or something that they learn nothing from, but I believe television shows are starting to focus more on helping learning  material in today's life.

Jonassen, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with technology (pp. 200-201). Upper Saddle, New Jersey: Pearson.

-Richard Smith

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